Friday, April 4, 2008

Thank you friends

Dear friends,
Your Heart is your Love,
Your love is your Family ,
Your family is your Future ,
Your future is your Destiny ,
Your destiny is your Ambition,
Your ambition is your Aspiration ,
Your aspiration is your Motivation ,
Your motivation is your Belief ,
Your belief is your Peace ,
Your peace is your Target ,
Your target is Heaven,
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS
It's " World Best Friends Week" send this to all your good friends.
Even me, if I am one of them. See how many you get back.
If you get more than 3 you are really a lovable person...I am waiting

F - Few
R - Relations
I - In
E - Earth
N - Never
D - Die

Good friends care for each other.. . Cl o se f riend s u nder stand each oth e r and tru e frie nds sta y fo reve r , bey ond wo rds, be yond t ime and beyon d di stance...

Khoon Sim ;)

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